Youporn #3 
Elena Ketra 
Youporn #3 
Elena Ketra 
Youporn #3 
Elena Ketra 
Youporn #3 
Elena Ketra 
Youporn #3 
Elena Ketra 
Youporn #3 
Elena Ketra 
Youporn #3 
Elena Ketra 
Youporn #3 
Elena Ketra 
Youporn #3 
Elena Ketra 
Youporn #3 
Elena Ketra 
Youporn #3 
Elena Ketra 
Youporn #3 
Elena Ketra 
Youporn #3 
Elena Ketra 
Youporn #3 
Elena Ketra 
Youporn #3 
Elena Ketra 
19x19 cm approx.
Limited run
A multiple that amounts to a unique piece given the impossibility of exactly replicating handcrafted shapes and colors. Elena Pizzato Ketra continues to change the rules of the game! Of the game of parts and especially of the role of women within the pre-established patterns of society.
With Grand Mother Fucker, she has her 93-year-old grandmother make potholders on which she then sews words taken from sexual slang. Thus we will have the Orgasm potholder, or the Toy Boy potholder or the Gang Bang potholder... Decontextualizing an object that has always been seen as something purely feminine, ancient and lacking in personality, with a totally foreign intervention, inserting jargon that is "inappropriate" for society still permeated with the stereotype of the hearth woman of great domestic virtues. Once again Elena's women will not stand firm in accepting the roles assigned to them. Once again they will know how to overpower. Astonish.